Current Activities:

(January 2024) The construction funding for this project has been moved out beyond the five-year budget cycle to provide funding for other high priority projects. The final design is currently on hold until construction funding becomes available. 

The City of Dunwoody is continuing to work towards the goal of having a continuous network of sidewalks on all of its arterial and connection roadways. The proposed Vermack Road sidewalk project will fill a gap on the west side of Vermack Road from Womack Road south to the existing sidewalk adjacent to the Vermack Swim and Tennis Club.

Vermack Sidewalk Project overview map

The city’s design consultant, Practical Design Partners, developed two conceptual layouts to fill the gap in the existing sidewalk on the west side of Vermack Road. A modified version of Alternative 2, consisting of adding sidewalk as well as filling the gap in the bike lanes on this section of Vermack Road, was determined to be the preferred alternative based on public input and City Council discussion.  A shared-use path along the side of the road was determined to be infeasible on this section of Vermack Road due to the closely spaced driveways that would be potential conflict points between cyclists and vehicles entering and exiting the driveways. 

This project is being funded by the Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST). 

Click image below to enlarge


The final concept includes widening the roadway to accommodate bicycle lanes on both sides of Vermack Road. The shoulder would have a 2-foot grass buffer and a 6-foot sidewalk on both sides of the roadway. Enhanced crosswalks are proposed near Olde Village Run and near the future city park.  The roadway drainage along both sides of the roadway will be upgraded. This alternative will aim to meander around utility poles to reduce the amount of utility relocation that would be required as well as specimen trees that may be in the desired layout. The proposed improvements generally fit within the city’s existing right of way with some temporary easements required for construction. The construction cost for Alternative 3 is estimated to be on the order of $1,500,000.