
Georgetown Master Plan

The 368-acre Georgetown/North Shallowford study area sits at the southern edge of the City of Dunwoody along Interstate 285. The area includes commercial, residential, and institutional uses abutted by several stable, single-family neighborhoods to the north and west. To the east of the study area lie several large institutions including churches and schools.

The Georgetown Master Plan, outlines targeted initiatives to improve the “gateway” appearance and create connectivity while encouraging high quality retail and meet the gaps in supply of housing for all ages.

Key Components of the Georgetown Master Plan:

  1. Future Land Use and Development
  2. Circulation and Open Space
  3. 5 Year Action Plan
  4. Economic Development – Market Overview
  5. Plan Appendix

For questions or more information about the Georgetown Master Plan, please contact Paul Leonhardt at 678-382-6811 or via Email.